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Covid-19 Secure

Our top priority is ensuring the safety of our Guests, Clients and Staff. This is why we are taking extra precautions to ensure you have a safe and enjoyable stay.  

24/7 Support

Havost is here for you whenever you or your guests need us. 

Ranking Optimisation

With all of our packages, we offer Superhost status meaning your property will always be prioritised.

Cross platform Listing

We can advertise your property on a whole host of platforms like AirBnB and

Professional photography

A picture is worth a thousand words, or so the saying goes.

A stunning feature photo will say more than a long blurb. That’s why your listing photos will stand out from the sea of other hosts. 

We have teamed up with "Cruz Professional Photography" to provide the perfect images for your property.

Cross Platform Listings

Although we find hosting on Airbnb the most efficient platform to host your property, we can also help you with the managing of your property on multiple platforms so you can get on with earning more whilst everything else is taken care of.

Guest Check-in services

We ensure that every property we work with has a key box installed to allow guests to self-check in.

We will arrange the arrival time with instructions on how to locate your apartment, providing detailed information and telephone support when required. We will help your guests enter the building using the secure key box and we will liaise with guests completely during the arrival period.


24/7 Support

We are there when you or your guests need us

We provide around-the-clock service.

From the moment an initial enquiry hits our inbox we’re onto it.

We provide prompt responses to help improve customer satisfaction and feedback scores.

Everything taken care of

Havost takes care of bookings, keys, housekeeping and guest queries that makes you more money at the same time.

Whether its a spare room or an entire home, Havost is here to enable our clients to let their properties with ease. Our team has vast knowledge of the local area, improving our customers' end to end experience. Whether you require your property to be let or are looking for an exquisite Cornish holiday rental, we are here for you with 24/7 assistance.

Get in Touch


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